2020, July 23rd @13:00 (GMT-4)

A major obstacle in screen printing conductive low temperature curing polymer thick film (PTF) pastes onto common flexible PET substrate materials is the substantial spread of the pastes beyond the designed line width after printing.  Industry observation and controlled testing have shown this spread can be as much as 80% over the circuit design’s intended line width.  This phenomenon prevents designers from increasing circuit density and/or reducing circuit real estate without incorporating other, more involved and higher cost patterning methods.

This presentation will provide results of numerous in-house and field testing, comparing printed line width control, edge definition, and improved conductivity of printed polymer Ag conductors on different flexible PET substrates.

Speaker: Mr. Art Dobie - Printed Electronics Industry Expert

Art has been working in the PE Industry for 40 years. He has a BS degree in Graphics Communication specializing in Screen Printing Technology from the California University of Pennsylvania. He is a lifetime member of IMAPS and was inducted in the Academy of Screen Printing in 1998.