2021, February 19th @12:30 PM (GMT+1)


Screen printing of fine line front side patterns on Silicon solar cells represents a highly amibitious challenge, as finest contact lines with optimal uniformity, low lateral resistance and ideally no interruptions have to be realized on a textured, rough surface. Great progress has been done with respect to gradually reduce the printable width of fine line front side contacts within the last decade. Intense efforts of suppliers and research institutions with respect to the development and optimization of high-precision fine mesh screens, pastes and machine technology have enabled this impressive evolution.

The experience from Current R&D activities at Fraunhofer ISE focus on establishing a stable and reproducible printing process for contacts below 20 µm width as well as developing new approaches to increase the production throughput. This presentation will provide a short overview regarding the evolution of fine line screen printing for Silicon solar cells and present the latest results from R&D activities at the Frauhofer ISE Photovoltaic Technolgy Evaluation Center (PV-TEC) regarding flatbed screen printing and other printing approaches like rotary screen printing.

Job Title: 

                  Head of Printing Technology Group

Company Name:          Fraunhofer ISE

Dr. Andreas Lorenz
Dr. Andreas Lorenz studied printing and media technology at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HdM Stuttgart). Andreas was awarded with the Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Award “Student of the Year 2007” and a price of the VDM Baden-Württemberg e.V. for outstanding academic achievements. After having received his diploma degree in 2006, he worked for 6 years as process engineer and junior product manager for a global printing machine manufacturer. In 2012, he joined Fraunhofer ISE and worked from 2014 to 2017 as a Ph.D student on the development of rotary printing processes for solar cells. He received his Ph.D degree in 2018. Since 2018, Andreas is responsible for the project lead for several funded research and industry projects in the field of solar cell metallization, focusing primarily on the development and optimization of rotary printing methods, flatbed screen printing and new applications. Since 2020, he is head of the group “Printing Technology” at Fraunhofer ISE.